My Blog
The Gift of Dyslexia
“Dyslexia” is a word that describes someone with a learning difficulty. I recently read a book written by Ronald D. Davis called: “The Gift of Dyslexia.” I really liked the positive attitude Ronald has about people with Dyslexia. He believes that people with Dyslexia has unusual gifts and...
Identifying learning problems
Children with learning problems find it difficult to read and spell, despite extra support in the afternoons. They may experience difficulties with language (speaking, reading and writing) and / or mathematical calculations. Even gifted learners may have learning problems. WHAT ARE SIGNS OF A...
Hoe kan ek my kind help om ‘n sukses van sy toekoms te maak?
Kan ek 'n impak maak op my kind se toekoms? Waar en hoe gaan my kind eendag finansiële sukses en stabiliteit bereik? Wat kan ek as ouer doen om my kind met die nodige vaardighede toe te rus om sukses in sy toekoms te behaal? Groot besighede is vandag op soek na jongmense wat kreatiewe innoveerders...
Bereik jou drome en ideale
“Winning starts with beginning” is iets waaroor motiveringsskrywer John Mason baie te sê het. Ek deel graag van Mason se idees met jou: Elke nuwe ding op aarde het met 'n klein stappie begin. Mason sê dat niks wat groot en noemenswaardig is sommer net eendag ontstaan het nie. Nee, iemand het...
Let your emotions work for you
Do you sometimes feel that your emotions get the better of you; that unpleasant emotions such as sadness, loneliness, fear or anger are running around in your heart like a bunch of wild horses, messing up your day? Do you fail in your attempt to shake these unpleasant feelings? Maybe you can use...
Laat jou emosies vir jou werk
Voel jy soms dat jou emosies die oorhand kry - dat onaangename gevoelens soos hartseer, alleenheid, vrees of woede soos 'n klomp wilde perde in jou binnenste rondhardloop en jou hele dag deurmekaar krap? Probeer jy ten alle koste wegkom van hierdie onaangename gevoelens maar sonder sukses? Dalk...
Hoe help ek my kind met angs?
Alle kinders ervaar een of ander tyd angs en vrese wat hulle mettertyd ontgroei. Indien jou kind egter tot so 'n mate angs ervaar dat dit sy alledaagse funksionering tussen maatjies, tuis of by die skool benadeel, behoort hulp ingewin te word. Onderskei watter tipe angs jou kind moontlik ervaar:...
How do I help my child to cope with anxiety?
All children experience anxiety and fears that they eventually outgrow some time or another. If your child is anxious to such an extent that it affects his everyday functioning among his friends, at home or at school, you should find help. Determine the type of anxiety your child may be...
Working with teenagers
Being a teenager can be a very happy and exciting time in any young person's life, but sometimes subtle little changes can have a big impact on the happiness of you and your teenager. Perhaps your teen suddenly realizes that the way your family does things is quite different from the way his or...
Help… my kind is aandag afleibaar!
Het jou kind 'n probleem met aandagafleibaarheid? Wat is aandagafleibaarheid? Daar is drie wyses van aandag skenk: 1. Nie-gefokusde aandag: Hier word informasie oor die algemeen op 'n passiewe en nie-sistematiese wyse geskandeer, byvoorbeeld wanneer mens in 'n winkelsentrum stap en bewus is van...
Hoe om jou kind te help met beroepskeuses
Ons leef in 'n konstante veranderende wêreld, waar elke dag 'n nuwe uitdagings inhou. Die konstante verandering maak dat die behoeftes van die werkswêreld ook gedurig verander. Met die ekonomiese toestande raak dit noodsaaklik om baie divers te begin dink wanneer 'n studierigting of beroep oorweeg...
Hantering van trauma by kinders
Kinders beleef trauma anders as volwassenes. Kinders kan die volgende gebeure traumaties beleef: verhuising, die verloor van 'n vriendskap, die dood van 'n geliefde of selfs 'n troeteldier, familielede wat terminaal siek is of gehospitaliseer is, mediese prosedures, om geboelie te word by die...
Coping with trauma
Children experience trauma different from adults. Traumatic incidents may include moving to a different home, losing a friend or a pet, family members who become terminally ill or had died, hospitalization and medical procedures, motor accidents, being bullied at school, burglaries, or being part...
Is your child being bullied?
Bullying has many forms. Bullying can take place when someone uses words to repeatedly belittle, criticize and hurt someone else. It can become physical when a child is hit, kicked or pushed around. A different form of bullying is when one person constantly teases...
Word jou kind geboelie?
Boeliegedrag kan die vorm aanneem van woorde wat gebruik word om iemand anders herhaaldelik mee af te kraak, te kritiseer en seer te maak. Dit kan 'n fisiese vorm aanneem waar 'n kind geslaan, geskop of rondgestamp word. 'n Ander vorm van boeliegedrag is wanneer een persoon 'n ander persoon...
Autism or asperger syndrome? How do I know the difference?
The causes of autism and asperger syndrome Autism and Asperger syndrome do not develop because parents did something wrong, or because parents did not handle the education of their child correctly. Parents can not cause Autism or Asperger Syndrome in their children. The exact causes of Autism and...
Wat doen ‘n Sielkundige?
'n Sielkundige is iemand wat daarvan hou om ander mense te help om met nuwe idees vorendag te kom om hulle eie lewens meer gelukkig en sinvol te kan maak. Alle mense is blootgestel aan lekker ervarings in die lewe, en ook die soms minder lekker ervarings wat neig om 'n mens se lewensbootjie te...
What does a psychologist do?
A psychologist is someone who likes to help other people to develop new ideas on how to make their lives more meaningful and happy. All people are exposed to great experiences in life, and sometimes less pleasant experiences that tend to rock one's life boat. This may cause your emotions to be in...